Thanks for your reading my doc. when I run “ng build — environment=prod” for my prod deployment, I couldn’t find out the generated js’s file name were changed. they are still same. That’s why I mentioned to use Task Runner to bind those npm tasks for publishing. For dev, I actually use “spa.UseAngularCliServer(npmScript: “start”);” in start.cs which will rely on “ng serve” and there is no js file generated. Can you let me know what js file name rename to? I am curious about what file name changes to. I guess it might be related the definition in .angular-cli.json. But by default the js file name didn’t change on my end.
BTW, the script tags are defined in views/shared/_layout.cshtml file instead of views/home/index.cshtml in my article. But I don’t think that does matter the js file name change you mentioned.